OBJECT POEMS                                 2004-2014

Created over a decade and featured in Translations from Bark Beetle, these pieces begin with the premise that poetry can operate in physical space, in the world at large. Photographs by Emma Norman

The Object Poems are housed at Middlebury College Davis Family Library, where the collection was on exhibit March-May 2019.



The Object Poems have appeared at:

- Now at Middlebury College's Davis Library Special Collections (2016)

-  Kent Museum, Kents' Corner, VT (September/October, 2014)

- Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier VT (June/July 2014)

- Terrain.org (June, 2013) -- features photographs with audio

- the Handmade/Homemade Exhibit at Pace University, Westchester, NY (2014)
